Paul Rosenberger
Company Bio
Paul Rosenberger has over thirty years of EMS experience with over twenty years of adult education instruction. He has performed ground and flight paramedic duties and leadership in town administration during his service. During his career as a practicing paramedic, he flew for an aeromedical provider, worked in Emergency Department and Intensive Care Units, and provided 911 ground paramedic duties for several Texas cities (Arlington, Fort Worth, and Austin). He has served as a faculty member and Assistant Program Director for UT Southwestern, which instructed initial education and continuing education platforms. During his tenure, he has coordinated initial EMR, EMT, and Paramedic courses in preparation for NREMT certification examinations. He was responsible for and maintained program accreditation with the Committee on Accreditation of Education Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Profession. Beyond his local roles, he was a primary instructor for the NAEMSE Evaluating Student Competencies seminars. In 2017 and 2018, Paul Rosenberger was a senior facilitator for the NREMT’s scenario workshops. Recently, he was a Co-Chair for the National EMS Education Standards Developmental/Revision Team and is a member of the NAEMSE Board of Directors. In July 2021, Paul accepted the role of Examinations Content Manager for NREMT. Paul Rosenberger graduated from Auburn University at Montgomery with a Bachelor of Science in Political Science. He then earned a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the University of North Texas. He graduated from Northcentral University with a Doctorate of Education.