What are the responsibilities of a Performance Testing Council board member?


The Board of Directors is the governing authority of the PTC responsible for the supervision, control and direction of the PTC. The Board shall determine PTC policy, in conformance with the bylaws, and adopts rules and regulations for conducting PTC business, and oversight of the collection and disbursement of PTC funds. The Board is accountable to the voting members of the PTC


Board members are asked to participate virtually in weekly board meetings and monthly webinars both lasting up to one hour. They are also asked to participate by physically attending semi- annual summits (2 days each) and an annual strategic planning meeting (1 day). Ad hoc committees may be formed for various projects and board members are asked to participate as a member or to chair such committees. The term of a board member is two years and board members may serve up to three consecutive terms. A chair/president, chair-elect/vice president, treasurer and secretary are elected each year from the board. The chair-elect serves as chair/president the following year. The chair is responsible for setting the agenda and conducting the meetings of the board. The chair also appoints committee chairs as needed. The chair-elect fills in for the chair when the chair is unavailable. The treasurer is responsible for maintaining the bank accounts and paying approved invoices. The secretary is responsible for recording the actions of the board and providing them to the board president for approval.


Board members develop ideas for PTC activities designed to provide benefit to members and to increase membership and participation. Board members work with the PTC executive director to brainstorm ideas for presentations and identifying news in the performance testing field. Board members are asked to engage with colleagues who are members or non-members to help them become more involved in the PTC. Board members are asked to recruit people to speak at summits or webinars and talk to people about how they benefitted as a member of the PTC.


Board members are asked to maintain a current annual membership; Cornerstone, Standard or Individual. Board members are asked, when able, to contribute resources, such as webinar services or office/meeting space for in person meetings.